Thursday, November 19, 2009

Looking For Alaska by John Green

My niece recommended this book as one of her "life changers". I was a little wary after reading the back cover. It seemed like it was going to be one of those typical high school angst books. But as I started reading, I just got this big grin on my face even before the first page was finished. The writing is amazing.

It is narrated by a boy who is just leaving for a boarding school to start his junior year of high school. The book is divided into two sections Before and After. The characters are so real. And they are not dumb. I love that about this. These high school kids are smart and witty and philosophical.

Now that said, I will not let my daughter read it until she's way into hs. There is bad language (typical) and other mature things. But none of it seemed gratuitous, just real. I really liked this book but be warned, it's not a "fun" read. It is a good kind of intense. I think it would be a great discussion book. And a way better coming of age book than Catcher in the Rye.


  1. I LOVE this book. I'm glad you liked it too. John Green is brilliant at putting emotions and feelings into words, and making this "coming of age" process seem real instead of playing it down. I like how he makes life seem, well, kind of magical deep and profound. Gah, such a great book.

  2. Such a realistic book, although a little graphic. It does seem like a better, more modern version of "Catcher in the Rye" in many ways. Great writing!
